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How many strawberries do you know

2013年05月15日 15:17 admin 点击:[]


One of the sweetest gifts of nature is a red, ripe strawberry. There are three basic kinds of strawberries: June bearing (结果期), ever bearing and day neutrals (日照中性).

June bearing is ready in the spring, so they are also called spring bearing. But gardeners will not get a crop during the first spring after planting. Ever bearing, when planted after the last winter freeze, will produce fruit during spring or early summer. A second or sometimes third crop will be ready in late summer. Day neutrals produce fruit throughout the summer months.

The University of Illinois Urban Extension says ever bearing and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens. Plant strawberries in the spring as soon as the soil is dry enough.

Try to plant late in the day or on a cloudy day. The soil should cover just the roots and not the top of the plant. Branches will appear in a few weeks.

Strawberries grown in containers need the soil of about twenty-five to thirty centimeters deep. Be sure the container has holes in the bottom.

Strawberries grow well in loose soil that lets water pass through easily. Carl Wilson at the Colorado State University Extension suggests mixing about three to five percent organic (有机的) material into the soil.

Part of caring for strawberries is renovation (翻新). Once the plants have produced fruit, they become less productive. Renovation means removing a lot of the old plants to let newer ones replace them. The Agricultural Extension Service at the University of Tennessee says growers should do this every year after harvest.

Renovation also includes adding fertilizer (肥料). Adding in late summer will supply nutrients to the fruit for the following spring.


1. Ever bearing and day neutrals are suitable for home gardens, why?

2. If you plan to grow strawberries in containers, what should you do?

3. Do you like strawberries, and why?
