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“学讲计划”M5U1    Project   Giving an oral report活动单

2014年09月18日 09:56 佚名 点击:[]

M5U1    Project   Giving an oral report

          Students’  task

                                                            徐州高级中学 张慧敏

1.       Work in small groups.

DiscussionWhat are the main steps of giving an oral report?













2.       Brainstorm

 Friendship 包含哪些方面?



3. Planning

The aspect of our survey ______________________


4. Preparing


What is the primary purpose of your survey?

Who will you choose to survey?

How will you design your survey?

Group 1




Group 2




Group 3




Group 4




Group 5




Group 6





      Clear assignments               Names


Write survey questions   __________________________

Design the survey       __________________________

Conduct the survey      __________________________

Calculate the result      __________________________

Write the report         __________________________

Present the oral report    __________________________ 


5  Write a report

The leading paraput forward the topic of the report: _______________________________________________________________________________




The bodyanalysing the facts, drawing a conclusion from these facts: ______________________________________________________________________________









The ending para (summary or suggestions):



